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Monday, February 20, 2012

You need Exercise to lose weight fast


Most people who try losing weight don’t really consider exercising, but the truth is that you need exercise to lose weight fast or else you will be building up more weight, this is because over time you’ve been add weight and not maintaining weight. So your initial approach and input towards losing your weight is what will determine whether or not you can lose weight fast.

So many question online is how is that possible? Well, it’s all a matter of choice and the type of plan you have to lose your weight fast.

Diet control is a very good idea but its result ends up like maintaining your “over-sized weight” instead losing it! That’s the reason you need to exercise to lose weight fast considerably.
Another good reason you need to exercise to lose weight fast is that it costs little or nothing because there are lots of exercises that you can do on your own and get same result.
Here are some lists of exercises you can try out on your own.

Trekking: Instead of taking cabs or taxi all of the time, tryout trekking 15 – 30 minutes per day.

Running: running helps to increase the rate at which your heart pumps blood and it is a very good way to maintain a healthy heart.

Jumping: this will help you burn fats on your lower body region like your legs and laps.

Jogging: jogging does increase and pump your blood thereby making your body to burn fat.

Weight lifting: you can try lifting weight but you have to check yourself to see if you are fit health wise or else that can also create a very big problem for you.

Swimming: swimming is nice because you will be losing weight by burning fat without sweating

Here is another thing you need to do to make this work out for you, you need to create time for this by getting a separate diary and writing your weight lose exercise schedule. This will help you bear in mind what you really need to do for each day.  

Next to that is weighting yourself each and every time you finish exercising and eating. Keeping record of this will actually tell you how much progress you are already making doing this.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise – Secrets Exposed!


Some of the questions about weight loss that flood the web by ‘weighty people’ are to the ways to lose weight  without exercise. And if that is the question in your mind then my answer is emphatically yes!
But just before you jump over the roof, let me just say that I am unlike other experts who just tell you things that doesn’t work just to get you excited.

Simple Guide - Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise

1.  Stop too much Carbs

We all need carbohydrates for energy but you see, too much of everything can be that dangerous for your health also. You need to watch the carbs you eats you long as you watching your entire weight. Most of the carbs we eat that are not utilized by the body as energy are being converted and stored as fat. So you see that I am not telling you to totally cut out carbohydrates all together but try to put a limit on the quantity you consume.

2. Half what you are eating.

Remember you are not exercising you do not need to consume as much food as you would while exercising. You can’t just grow fat off from one meal, so it is necessary to consume a very small amount of meal per day and see that you lose weight fast without exercise.

3.  Eat protein more.

Protein is essential for your body as it is for body building. Your damaged cells and tissues will be repaired and new ones will also be built up when you are trying to lose weight fast without exercise. You need it to eat more of it because it fills you up very quickly. You can also buy protein supplements.

4. Eating more vegetables will Help You Lose Weight Really FAST!

Taking lots of vegetables will reduce your weight the way you have never thought, unlike protein vegetables are light which may not get you filled up quickly stop you feeling hungry for hours on end.  It’s a well-known fact vegetable only little carbohydrate. And at the same time provide a great source of fiber and vitamins. All of this will help you to lose weight fast without exercise.

How to lose weight fast without exercise – Final thoughts

Be sure to weigh yourself regularly, once in the morning, once after a meal and once just before you go to sleep. I found it useful to keep a small diary with notes on what worked for me and weight progress. Not only does it bring a smile to my face when I wake up and see I have lost weight, but it will keep you motivated as you have it in writing that whatever you are doing is working, so don’t give up! Mix it up and you will find a winning formula.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ways To Lose Weight WITHOUT Exercise

 Have you ever pitfalls trying to lose weight without exercise?

Then you should really stick to this page as I will be showing you ways to Lose 20 lbs. of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise.

If you want to lose weight  fast without exercise, then you should stick your eyes to this page as I will be showing you the simple ways to lose weight without exercise.

Losing weight has become a struggle for so many people because many of these ‘weighty guys' are looking at the possibility of losing weight without exercises, yes it is possible to lose any amount of weight within a very short time frame if you would follow my healthy weight lose guide.

You need a weight loss rule to lose weight without any exercises.

Life itself works by rules and principles, so you can’t avoid any of these “weight lose rule” and get a healthy weight either!  Remember it’s not about losing weight but achieving a healthy life thereafter.

Rule #1: Avoid (white) carbohydrates

Yes I know you need carbohydrates for energy but you need to avoid any carbohydrate that is — or can be — white.  If you avoid eating any white (carbohydrate) you will have your weight 100% safe except for within 1 – 2 hours of finishing a finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 -  30 minutes. You could be making a mistake not prohibiting carbohydrates like potatoes, cereal, rice, pasta, bread, and fried food with breading. 

Rule #2: Eating the same meals over and over again solves it all!

Constructing each meal from the three diet groups namely proteins, legumes and vegetables will actually part of the ways to lose weight without exercise.  Whether your goal is, to gain muscle or loss fat, eating the same few meals over and over again will make you a successful dieter.
Eat as much as you like of the above food items. Just remember: keep it simple. Pick three or four meals and repeat them. Almost all restaurants can give you a salad or vegetables in place of French fries or potatoes.
Most people who complain of low energy actually fall into eating low carbohydrate diets, not because it doesn’t work but because they eat those meals in a very low quantity (calories). Vegetables are not calorically dense, so it is critical that you add legumes for caloric load.

Rule #3: Taking Water

Most people who try reducing weight don’t always consider drinking more water. Water is so essential for your metabolic processes. It will actually cause you to sweat more which is as a result of fats that is being burnt down. Increase your water in-take and see your weight reduce drastically. It is important to remember that it is all about how you change your life over time because your muscles need to burn lots of calories daily and your energy level needs to be sustained.

 Rule #3: Weigh Yourself Regularly

Keeping a diary of your weight will help you to know if what you are doing really works or not. Weigh yourself in the morning before eating and after eating, thereafter just before you go to sleep.
This is my final word but also very powerful, you can also join other weight loss programs online that will take you through step-by-step daily.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fiber Intake Can Help You Lose Weight Really FAST!

A very important aspect of losing weight fast is in controlling your diet. There are things that have become a common knowledge while others are still things you need to learn. The combining both of them can become what will help you lose weight really fast. Listed below are useful tips to let you know that Fiber intake can help you to drop weight fast.

Reducing fat is one of the ways to lose weight without exercise  but reducing your diet could be another crucial part because many diets clearly lead to weight gain as researches have proven. On the other hand, reducing food intake (bulky) may not be a very good idea for some people so I suggest eating food with high fiber contents will remedy this situation.
Fibrous foods contain a variety of dietary materials that are either soluble or insoluble in boiling water. Fiber can neither be digested nor absorbed in the small intestine, but is fermented by some bacteria in the colon. But you will need it for normal bowel function. Fiber prevents constipation, diverticular disease of the colon, and hemorrhoids. Consumption of diets containing adequate fiber may prevent you from suffering from conditions like diabetes, gallstones, obesity, coronary artery disease, or colon cancer.

Dietary fibers are grouped into two and they are:
Soluble and Insoluble dietary fibers.

1. Soluble dietary fibers- these are readily fermented in the colon into gases and physiologically active byproducts. They absorb water to become a gelatinous and viscous substance which is also fermented in the digestive tract by bacteria.

2. Insoluble dietary fibers - Insoluble fibers cannot be fermented as they have bulking actions and is not fermented. They are also metabolically inert, as it moves through the digestive system they absorb water, easing defecation. 

The question now is how much Fiber do you need?

The United States National Academy of Sciences from the Institute of Medicine Current recommends and suggests that adults should consume 20-35 grams per day, but this is not so with the average American's daily intake as it is only 12-18 grams.

High Fiber Foods
Foods include whole grains are rich in dietary fiber (particularly the bran portions), legumes, fruits and vegetables. Most foods contain mixtures of both types of fibers. Examples of foods rich in insoluble fiber are wheat bran, nuts and barley. Soluble fiber is found in oat bran, melons, and dried fruits. Other sources of both types are Beans.

Low Fiber Foods
Foods like hot dogs, sausage, fries, donuts, processed meats, burgers, and cold cuts have low fiber contents but high in fat. Eating diets with high fat contents and low fiber will increase your body weight, internal fat, and hamper body's ability to eliminate fats and toxins. Such diet will also results in gastric problems, such as constipation.

Your Fiber intake and losing weight!
Fiber in diets helps in binding fat coming from the food, more like a fat sponge. Since most of the dietary fibers are not absorbed and its bound fat is eliminated from the body. And this tends to lower blood fat and cholesterol levels. 

A good amount of fiber intake will also control your hunger by giving a feeling of fullness, thereby reducing unnecessary food intake. Dietary fiber can help you lose weight really fast and is so important for good health, it is particularly important for people trying to lose weight fast without exercise. However, it is important to also increase your water intake when increasing your dietary fiber intake to avoid constipation. An appropriate amount of these two will normalizes bowel movements. 

So you can see that fiber intake is one secret that can help you lose weight really fast or what else do you think?
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