You have chosen exercise to lose weight? This is an excellent choice! Increase their caloric expenditure by more exercise is a logical approach to weight loss since it tackles the main cause of excess fat or lack of exercise ( see file ). Furthermore, exercise strengthens the heart, muscles and bones besides we aerates mind that diets are not diet.
However, the method of exercise will melt the excess fat only if applied in the right way. Here are five golden rules to consider when you want to lose weight by exercise:
Rule # 1: Start gradually so as not to hurt, burn and preserve physical motivation. Avoid embarking from the start in a marathon exercises pretext that wants to lose pounds quickly! Aching, tired or injured, impulsive bulimics exercise all let go after a few sessions. And they have obviously not lost weight for the effort!
Rule # 2: Make the right exercises, that is to say, choose aerobic exercise of moderate intensity, because they activate large muscle groups of the thighs and pelvis, which is enough to spend a lot of calories and do drive faster metabolism. A brisk walk (110 steps or more per minute) for 15 minutes per day is a good example of aerobic exercise start if you're not in shape. Remember that once completed, aerobic exercise is still "hot" cells (oxygen consumption post-exercise) for at least an hour or two, which helps you to lose extra calories without even you having to lift a finger. And you keep sit or pumps to strengthen your muscles, not to lose weight locally!
Rule No. 3. Do the right exercises regularly if you want to see on his body tangible results within a reasonable time (6-8 weeks). Gradually, aim 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per day, five days a week. These 30 minutes can be split into two blocks of 15 minutes or even three blocks of 10 minutes. One or two exercise sessions per week is enough to reduce body fat. In fact, here we apply the principle of hypocaloric diet: we must follow every day.
Rule No. 4. Gradual integration of higher intensity exercise of short duration (15-30 seconds). These exercises increase your calories without having to extend your session. This rule is useful if you want to lose fat faster, but it requires to be shaped first and also to be motivated. If you apply it suits you.
Rule No. 5. Remember that we are not all equal calories. Surely you have observed this phenomenon: two people follow the same exercise plan to lose weight, but one loses weight faster than the other. The research of Dr. Claude Bouchard, when he was a researcher at the Université Laval, scientifically validated this finding. Subjected to the same exercise program, identical twins lost roughly the same weight, while there were significant differences between non-twins. These results suggest that genetic factors influence the speed with which a person can lose or gain weight. However, if you follow the letter of the rules above, you will lose weight, even if it is not at the same pace as another person who does the same exercises you.
How exercise makes us lose weight
In the short term, exercise makes us lose fat by restoring a balance between the input and output of calories.
But in the medium and long term, exercise keeps us lean in basic
metabolism, waking sleeping by a sedentary lifestyle, maintaining our
muscle mass, reducing blood levels of leptin (the hormone that regulates
appetite) and promoting the combustion (oxidation) of the fat.
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