is one of the most time-tested, potent and yet rarest herbs. It has been an
important ingredient in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. A fungus, like
mushrooms, it can be found on isolated places in southwestern China. Cordyceps could
be the next Ginseng due to its reported effects on increasing energy levels,
sex drive, male sexual potential and athletic performance. However, Cordyceps
benefit almost all body systems, including the circulatory, immune, respiratory
and endocrine systems.
Ingredients of Cordyceps
has a variety of herbal nutrients and compounds, which are all considered
nutritional. Some of these compounds are essential amino acids, vitamins E and
K, and the water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, and B12. It also contains many
sugars, including mono-, di-, and oligosaccharides, and many complex
polysaccharides, proteins, sterols, nucleosides, and trace elements.
Cordyceps acts as a
natural male aphrodisiac and sexual tonic
believe that Cordyceps naturally helps rejuvenate male sexual ability, potency
and performance. Some of the major compounds in Cordyceps act as potent male
sex hormones to bring back youthful function and stamina. Cordyceps is used as a sexual rejuvenator, to
increase energy levels and help people with hectic lifestyles. It is known to remedy weakness and fatigue
and is, therefore, also used to cure male impotence or erectile dysfunction.
The powerful effects of Cordyceps
are backed by trials and studies
several published trials, studies and surveys, Cordyceps has been shown to
significantly improve libido and quality of life in men and women, fight
infertility and increase sperm count and survival.
studies involving 189 male and female patients with decreased libido and desire
showed improvement of symptoms in 66 per cent of cases. The most dramatic physical proof came from a
fertility study involving 22 males which showed that, after eight weeks of
taking a supplement containing Cordyceps, their sperm count increased by 33 per
cent, their incidence of sperm malformations decreased by 29 percent and their
sperm survival rate increased by 79 percent.
three separate Chinese studies with over 200 men with "reduced libido and
other sexual problems" showed remarkably similar results. On average, 64 per cent of the
Cordyceps-users reported significant improvement at the conclusion of the
experimental period compared with 24 per cent of the placebo group.
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